Bas Roovers
Bas Roovers Author of onpremisys and working in IT for over 10 years. Loves good discussions and new technologies.

Storage balancing for Hyper-V

Storage balancing for Hyper-V

Although Hyper-V works flawlessly for our needs. We are still missing out on some features which VMWare has had since 2011. One of which is Storage DRS. It’s a feature that allows you to balance the storage usage over several datastores.

With Storage DRS missing we need to manually move VM storage to lesser occupied cluster shared volumes. That’s something I would rather automate. Luckily Yusuf Ozturk made a very nice Powershell script to do exactly that. The script was somewhat outdated, but still elegant. With some minor editing on my side I got it to run on our Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V cluster and had immediate success.

Hyper-V storage balancing result graph

As you can see in the graph the lines are slowly coming to the same level once the script nears it’s completion. I would love for Microsoft to add this natively to fail-over cluster manager. But for now this script will suffice.

Here is the complete script:

function Start-VMStorageOptimization {
        Function to optimize storage usage on CSV volumes by using Hyper-V Live Storage Migration.
        If you use dynamic virtual disks with VMs, you may need to monitor free space on your CSV volumes.
	This script moves virtual machines into different CSV volumes by using Hyper-V Live Storage Migration.
	Note: run this as Administrator
    .PARAMETER  WhatIf
        Display what would happen if you would run the function with given parameters.
    .PARAMETER  Confirm
        Prompts for confirmation for each operation. Allow user to specify Yes/No to all option to stop prompting.
        Start-VMStorageOptimization -AllowPT
        Author: Yusuf Ozturk (Small updates by Bas Roovers)
        Date created: 08-June-2014
        Last modified: 06-June-2019
        Version: 1.5

[CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)]
param (
	# Allow Passthrough Disks
		Mandatory = $false,
		HelpMessage = 'Allow Passthrough Disks')]
	[switch]$AllowPT = $false,
	# Debug Mode
		Mandatory = $false,
		HelpMessage = 'Debug Mode')]
	[switch]$DebugMode = $false
	# Enable Debug Mode
	if ($DebugMode)
		$DebugPreference = "Continue"
		$ErrorActionPreference = "silentlycontinue"
	# Informational Output
	Write-Host " "
	Write-Host "------------------------------------------" -ForegroundColor Green
	Write-Host " Hyper-V Storage Optimization Script v1.4 " -ForegroundColor Green
	Write-Host "------------------------------------------" -ForegroundColor Green
	Write-Host " "
	# Set Storage Status
	$StorageStatus = $True
	while ($StorageStatus -eq $True)
		# Get Worst CSV Volume
		$WorstVolume = ((Get-ClusterSharedVolume | Select -ExpandProperty SharedVolumeInfo | Select @{label="Name";expression={(($_.FriendlyVolumeName).Split("\"))[-1]}},@{label="FreeSpace";expression={($_ | Select -Expand Partition).FreeSpace}} | Sort FreeSpace -Descending)[-1])
		# Worst CSV Volume Information
		$WorstVolumeName = $WorstVolume.Name
		$WorstVolumeFreeSpace = $WorstVolume.FreeSpace
		# Get Best CSV Volume
		$BestVolume = ((Get-ClusterSharedVolume | Select -ExpandProperty SharedVolumeInfo | Select @{label="Name";expression={(($_.FriendlyVolumeName).Split("\"))[-1]}},@{label="FreeSpace";expression={($_ | Select -Expand Partition).FreeSpace}} | Sort FreeSpace -Descending)[0])
		# Best CSV Volume Information
		$BestVolumeName = $BestVolume.Name
		$BestVolumeFreeSpace = $BestVolume.FreeSpace
		# Calculate Space Gap
		[int64]$SpaceGap = [math]::round((([int64]$BestVolumeFreeSpace - [int64]$WorstVolumeFreeSpace) / 1GB), 0)
		if ($SpaceGap -lt "100")
			# Informational Output
			Write-Host "Storage is already optimized." -ForegroundColor Green
			Write-Host " "
			# Set Storage Status
			$StorageStatus = $False
			# VM Reports
			$VMReports = $Null
			# Get Cluster Nodes
			$ClusterNodes = Get-Cluster | Get-ClusterNode
			# Informational Output
			Write-Host "Measuring VMs to find the most suitable virtual machine for the migration.. Please wait.." -ForegroundColor Cyan
			Write-Host " "

			if ($AllowPT)
				# Enable Resource Metering
				$EnableMetering = Get-VM -ComputerName $ClusterNodes | Where ConfigurationLocation -like "C:\ClusterStorage\$WorstVolumeName\*" | Enable-VMResourceMetering
				# Get Resource Usage
                $VMReports = Get-VM -ComputerName $ClusterNodes | Where ConfigurationLocation -like "C:\ClusterStorage\$WorstVolumeName\*" | Measure-VM
				# Enable Resource Metering
				$EnableMetering = Get-VM -ComputerName $ClusterNodes | Where ConfigurationLocation -like "C:\ClusterStorage\$WorstVolumeName\*" | Where {(($_ | Select -Expand HardDrives).Path -notlike "Disk*") -and (($_ | Select -expand FibreChannelHostBusAdapters) -eq $Null)} | Enable-VMResourceMetering
				# Get Resource Usage
				$VMReports = Get-VM -ComputerName $ClusterNodes | Where ConfigurationLocation -like "C:\ClusterStorage\$WorstVolumeName\*" | Where {(($_ | Select -Expand HardDrives).Path -notlike "Disk*") -and (($_ | Select -expand FibreChannelHostBusAdapters) -eq $Null)} | Measure-VM


			# Calculate Space Gap Average
			[int64]$SpaceGapAverage = [math]::round(([int64]$SpaceGap / 2), 0)
			[int64]$SpaceGapAverageMb = [int64]$SpaceGapAverage * 1024
			# Find Most Suitable VM
			$BestVM = ($VMReports | Where TotalDisk -lt $SpaceGapAverageMb | Sort TotalDisk -Descending)[0]
			if ($BestVM)
				# Best VM Information
				$BestVMName = $BestVM.VMName
				$BestVMHost = $BestVM.ComputerName
				# Informational Output
				Write-Host "Moving $BestVMName from $WorstVolumeName to $BestVolumeName by using Hyper-V Storage Live Migration.." -ForegroundColor Yellow
				# Move Virtual Machine
				Move-VMStorage -ComputerName "$BestVMHost" -VMName "$BestVMName" -DestinationStoragePath "C:\ClusterStorage\$BestVolumeName\$BestVMName"
				# Informational Output
				Write-Host "Done." -ForegroundColor Green
				Write-Host " "
				# Informational Output
				Write-Host "No suitable VM is found.. $WorstVolumeName contains VMs with large spaces." -ForegroundColor Red
				Write-Host " "
				# Set Storage Status
				$StorageStatus = $False				

Start-VMStorageOptimization -DebugMode

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